
Self-Esteem Assessment in Frisco, TX

Self-image, self-esteem, and self-efficacy all go hand in hand.  Self-image is related to how the child views themselves in different areas.  Self-esteem is affected depending upon how important that area is for the child. If the self-image in an area is low, and that area is important to them, that may negatively impact their self-esteem.  Self-efficacy is one’s belief in their ability to successfully tackle new tasks.  Keep reading to learn more.  

Dr. Jimenez often finds that parents are unsure about their child’s self-esteem or self-image. This is especially true during the teen years.  Parents often find it difficult to figure out if their child has a low self-image or in what areas.  Sometimes parents assume what’s going on with their child, which may be very different from what is really going on internally with them. Self-image testing allows Dr. Jimenez to get a glimpse into how your child sees themselves and if they have a negative view of themselves in a particular area and gives her an indication of if that matters to them.  For example, one area of interest in self-image in this testing is related to athletic ability.  

Parents may say, “Dr. Jimenez, I know my child feels badly about themselves.  They are not a good athlete, but their brother is really good.  I think that’s part of the issue.”  During the assessment, Dr. Jimenez may find that truly the child believes themselves to be pretty bad at sports, but that does not bother them. They do have low self-esteem, but it is because they do not have as many close friends as they would like to have.  So the parent was partially right when they noticed low self-esteem, but not on the right track when they thought about why that was.  If they had moved to a new city and made friends before, that builds their self-efficacy.  They know they have been in a similar situation and are capable to making more friends.


Improving Your Child's Self-Image

There is something so relieving about clearly understanding the inner world of your child.   If your child has a high self-esteem, it’s wonderful news to receive.  However, the wonderful news is in the recommendations when we discover that your child’s self-esteem is lower than normal.  Through following Dr. Jimenez’s recommendations, you will be able to help increase your child’s self-esteem and self-efficacy (ability to see themselves as and to be successful in accomplishing tough tasks).  What a great gift to give someone than to help them increase their self-esteem and to know their true value!

In Dr. Jimenez’s work with children, adolescents, and families, she has discovered how important self-image, self-esteem, and self-efficacy are to the family unit.  When a child or teen feels they can accomplish tough tasks because they have experience doing it, the sky is the limit!  By creating circumstances for your child to try, fail, and try again in a safe environment such as through sports, clubs, or other adventures, you are giving them the opportunity to grow and stretch their mindset and abilities.  Those kind of skills will take them far in life as successful college students and adults!

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Clear Life Counseling & Testing is a provider for Cigna & Blue Cross Blue ShielD PPO

Are you ready to invest in your child’s future?  Call now for your free phone consultation with Dr. Jimenez.